
Monday, November 1, 2010

Saturday "Smart Swap!": Snacks Edition

Got the munchies? Check out some simple switches that can save you serious snacking calories!

Swap an ounce of Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips for two cups of air-popped popcorn to save 78 calories.

Swap a cup of strawberry ice cream for a Yoplait Whips, Strawberry Mist flavor, to save 114 calories.

Swap a 1.7-oz. package of M&M's Plain Chocolate candies for a half cup of Kozy Shack Real Chocolate pudding to cut almost 100 calories.

Swap one Mrs. Field's semi-sweet chocolate chip cookie for 13 Miss Meringue Chocolate Chip Minis to save 170 calories.

None of these tickle your tastebuds? Find out how many calories your favorite snack contains -- and locate a sensible swap -- using About.com's Calorie Count.

View the original article here

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Say Yes to Carbs!

Think you need to swear off carbs to lose weight? No way! There is no one food group that you need to avoid to be healthy and lose weight. To ensure proper nutrition, and to give you the energy you need to exercise regularly, you should consume a variety of foods, including carbs.

The key with carbs is to choose those that are better for you -- complex carbs, such as beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, while avoiding high-sugar, processed foods like cake. Not only are refined carbs low in nutritional value, higher in calories, but they don't leave you feeling sated like complex carbs. That's why we tend to eat too much of them as we attempt to feel satisfied, and of course, eating a lot of sugary cereal, tons of white bread and heaping bowls of pasta definitely isn't going to help you lose weight.

If you don't like whole grains now, try different varieties and add a fruit or veg to each meal if you're not meeting your daily minimum. Enjoying carbs -- and other types of "forbidden" foods -- in moderation will keep you from feeling deprived which can help you to stop overeating. null
Tip: Adding fat to a carb serving will help you feel fuller longer (Reach for whole grain bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter, for instance. )

More: Carb Myths

View the original article here

Saturday, October 30, 2010

NutriSystem Check-In: October 10th

Well, I am nearly a week into my trial of the plan. I have to say that the first day was the toughest. My first meal didn't go so well.

Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone: I would not have referred to it as a scone myself if I didn't see it described as that on the package as it tasted nothing like any scone I've tried; and I'm not entirely sure any actual chocolate chips were involved. I literally could not finish it. It was the worst tasting pre-packaged food item -- diet or not -- that I have ever tasted.

The lunch time meal was a big improvement. (Of course, how could it not be?) Parmesan pasta with brocolli was quite yummy! (And I don't even like brocolli!)

After the scone debacle, I couldn't face a pre-packaged meal at dinner and I had plans anyway so I used the dining out guidelines to eat out. (Yes, you can eat out sometimes on this plan, in case you were wondering.)

I have the "weekends off" plan so tomorrow I am taking one weekend day (You can use them in any order you like) tomorrow ... which also happens to be weigh-in day for me. I am planning to weigh in first thing before I have actually consumed anything! I will take Tuesday as my second weekend day and I'll be sharing what they're like in my next post.

(The first thing you realize on the weekends off plan, is you don't technically get the weekends off! You can't eat whatever you want those two days, that is.)

Knowing how the week treated me is about 15 hours away! I'm thinking my pants actually seemed a little looser this morning, so I'm hoping to see some good results!

View the original article here

Friday, October 29, 2010

Saturday "Smart Swap!": Plan Now for Holiday Calorie-Cuts!

It's never too early to start thinking about saving calories during the holidays. Just making a few of these changes could save you nearly 1,000 calories! Master the buffet and make smart picks at parties with these ten holiday food switches.

More: Holiday Food Switches

View the original article here

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Coming Soon!": 2010 NutriSystem Review

About five years ago, I shared my review of the NutriSystem diet, which was then known as NutriSystem Nourish. I lost some weight during my short trial, but in the end, I wasn't happy enough with the food to stay on it for any longer.

Since I've heard some good things about the newest version of the plan, I've decided to give it another whirl! I've signed up for the month-long, weekends-off plan. I'll be eating the prepackaged meals for five days each week and following some meal guidelines the other two days using my own food.

Every few days I'll be checking in with my progress and (perhaps most importantly!) to let you know what the food is really like. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you have tried the plan, I want to hear from you! This simple form will allow you to share your own review.

View the original article here

Did You Know?

If you're looking for a low-cal snack, but hate the prices of microwave popcorn, consider this: Buying a scoop of popcorn kernels from the bulk bin at your nearest market and popping them in your microwave in a paper bag costs mere pennies per serving!

How do you find ways to enjoy foods that help you lose weight for little extra cost? Post your tips in comments!

Related Reading: Lose Weight on a Budget

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NutriSystem Weigh-In

I have weighed in after my first full week and my total loss is ... 4.3 pounds! It's important to remember, though, that most people lose a significant amount of weight their first week on any diet. A good portion of it is actually water weight, so I must bear in mind that not all four pounds is actual fat loss, but water loss.

The true test will be the coming weeks and I will be happy losing two pounds a week from now on (the average loss on most diets, and the most you really shoud regularly lose per week anyway), so on with the trial!

View the original article here